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UNESCO Support Letter

Saunologiassa mainostetun saunominen UNESCOon projektiin kuuluvat hakemuksen tukiyhteisöjen muodolliset tukikirjeet. Tällä sivulla on Saunologian hakemusta puoltava kannanotto, jonka versio tulee osaksi Suomen hakemuksen liitteitä.


In the Finnish language, the word sauna is a verb, a noun and an adjective. No wonder it is recognized around the world. In Finland, sauna is an institution that far surpasses everything else in terms of breadth and history in the living culture.

Although the prehistoric origins of sauna remain a mystery, it has arguably been present in the area of Finland ever since the lands were re-populated after ice age. And importantly, it has remained, thou not unchanged by the forces of urbanization and technological evolution, it still means a lot for many.

I have personally enjoyed sauna longer than I can recall. With Saunologia, I’ve taken the mission to support the best design and engineering practices related to sauna to all interested people in Finland a abroad.

I thus heartily endorse the proposal to include Finnish sauna bathing at the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity of UNESCO.

5th November in Helsinki, Finland

On behalf of,
Lassi A Liikkanen, Principal Saunologist is an Internet-based non-profit media that disseminates information about saunas for Finnish and foreigners alike. It is focused on design and construction of proper Finnish style saunas and aimed for Finnish audiences. It annually reaches over 200,000 readers and has contributed to improved sauna construction around the world.


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Tietoja kohteesta Lassi A Liikkanen

Saunologi ja saunan suunnittelun tutkimusmatkalainen. Johtava nykyaikainen suomalaisen saunan asiantuntija ja Suomen Saunaseuran Löylyn henki -palkittu 2021. Työkseni suunnittelen parempia digitaalisia palveluita. Minulla on pitkä historia tieteellisestä tutkimuksesta ja opetan satunnaisesti Aalto-yliopistossa.

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