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Case studies of Saunologia private and public sauna design 2024

Over the past few years, Saunologia has been actively promoting authentic, healthy, and sustainable Finnish sauna experiences through its global design efforts. We have provided design and consulting services for both private sauna enthusiasts as well as companies and organizations committed to creating the perfect sauna experience. This article highlights two recent projects, one in Finland and another in California.


Ever since I started Saunologia operations in 2016, I have been providing various types of consulting services related to saunas. I have done small projects with increasing intensity over the years. I have been involved in many types of challenges, from developing new sauna technology to improving existing sauna design and—of course—designing completely new saunas!

As the pandemic greatly affected not only the working culture but also the demand for saunas, it has been natural for me to work remotely first. Nearly all my work is done remotely. Traveling to the site usually only happens with the most demanding cases. It is surprising how well we can do with photos, documents, and videoconferencing!

I will share two detailed stories of how great Finnish sauna design has happened. The first is a privately owned sauna in Arcata, northern California, near Eureka. The other is a public Pereensaari sauna in the municipality of Pirkkala, just next to the self-appointed world sauna capital, Tampere, in Finland.

Backyard sauna for an athlete

I traveled to California in June 2024. One of my goals was to meet with Tyler. I had designed a backyard sauna for him in the Fall of 2023, which he had constructed over the following winter.

Tyler’s sauna was built as an annex to his house, and the builder was responsible for the exterior details and interior finishing.

This sauna is created as an extension of the main building.

Given that this was the first time I had actually visited one of the saunas I had designed, more than 5,000 miles away from the construction site, I was extremely excited to see and try it for real!

An awesome detail made by the builder, a small cover for the control panel on the exterior wall.

What was the project like?

The design project followed a pattern that has repeatedly produced good results. First, we had a video conference to discuss Tyler’s needs and ambitions for the future sauna. Tyler had done a lot of homework and presented me with a lot of ideas that we could refine together. I helped by creating a crude 3D model of the sauna to facilitate form-giving for the unit.

Out of few choices, Tyler ended up choosing the just launched Harvia Spirit 8 kW. It is installed just low enough to provide a nice heat cavity for top and foot bench.

Project outcome

The sauna was built fully locally. It turned out great, and it made a beautiful annex to the house. I had very little to do with the construction, although as is customary, I provided Tyler with some comments as he had the sauna constructed.

I'm loving the sauna and using it 4 to 6 nights per week.

Tyler has been very satisfied with the sauna and describes how he has been using it frequently to introduce friends to the mystery of the Finnish sauna.

As I got a chance to try out too, I admit it is at least as good as we hoped for. The only area of improvement would be to fit in a more powerful heater. This was not unexpected as we took a chance on the project and used the brand-new US version of Harvia Spirit 8 kW. It turned out to be slightly too small, so heating takes longer than ideal. On the other hand, once the sauna is hot, there is a lot of nice löyly (steam) to be had!

The sauna interior is beautifully finished with Wester red cedar.

Pereensaari sauna: A public sauna for year-around swimmers

Winter swimming has become extremely popular in Finland during the 2020s. Pereensaari public sauna opened in June 2023 and is still one of the latest in its category. It is a beautiful building created by a local architect and serves foremost people seeking to combine the hot sauna with the cool waters of Lake Pyhäjärvi.

Pereensaari public sauna in Pirkkala, Finland. Sauna interior designed with Saunologia in 2022, operational since June 2023.

In 2022, I accepted the challenge from the young Pereensaari Sauna entrepreneurs Leo and Rasmus to help design the sauna's interior. In detail, the sauna is a very tall loft sauna in which the users sit far above the floor and enjoy a magnificent lake view from a large window.

The lake and the pier.

What was the project like?

In this case, I started off from the relatively blank canvas left by the architect. It involved two windows, but the rest of the interior needed rethinking. I proposed a few variations of the interior for the customer. These were created in 3D models to help visualize the space usage in this exceptionally tall space. We reviewed the pros and cons of various stairway and bench styles and discussed the pros and cons of heater type and placement.

The collaboration with Saunologia went more than smoothly. From the very beginning, we had our own vision for the sauna at Pereensaari, but we wanted to ensure that the stoves and the sauna would work together as well as possible. Together with Saunologia, we paid attention to every possible detail, and the end result was a perfect success in achieving what we set out to do.
-- Leo Railevirta

Eventually, Leo and Rasmus settled on the most straightforward solution in which a long stairway leads from the door to the platform with two opposite-facing benches, close to the original vision. Two large electric Saunasampo GXL750 heaters are elevated substantially so 2 x 20 kW of raw power is focused on heating the heat cavity. The ventilation is mechanical, with bilateral exhausts below the bench platform. The platform decking is wood, but the frame is steel, which guarantees stability and makes it easy to replace the wooden parts as they age.

The two SaunaSampo heaters are almost hidden before the lids are raised. The installation height is more than planned, but it still works nicely.

Project outcome

Pereensaari Sauna has turned hugely successful. I can’t take credit for the overall appeal of the concept, but I believe the company’s investment in the sauna design early on helped to set the project on the right track. Succeeding with sauna services is not only about the sauna; there are always other things at stake, too. For example, making sure your facility has not only enough löyly but also enough running hot water! Leo and Rasmus have also learned a lot about how to operate the sauna, as the two Saunasampo heaters provide some opportunities to tweak their behavior to best match the demands of the clientele.

My impression of the sauna in the fall of 2023 was positive. The sauna was running pretty hot, but the heat was still gentle and enveloping, with a huge potential of löyly waiting inside the heater. Ventilation works nicely, and the view of the lake is just fabulous, both giving you a good reason to stay in a bit longer than you probably would need to.

The steel frame underlying the very tall benches

Saunologia helps to create the best saunas for your needs

These examples are just the tip of the iceberg in terms of tens of projects delivered worldwide. We’ve been a part of sauna creation in most continents: North and South America, Australia, Asia, and Finland. The projects range from one-hour consultation to several days of design work. It is always a pleasure to work with sauna owners concerned about the quality of experiences they are trying to offer. Many individuals have researched extensively and need minimal guidance to find the way to the perfect löyly.

For instance, u/traizen on Reddit has made a great post of a wood-burning backyard sauna built in Texas. During this project, we had a couple of meetings. The outcome was splendid and Traizen has been enjoying it frequently ever since.

I left Saunologia's design plate to Arcata to memorize the visit.

For your sauna needs, check out Sauna Design and Consultation Services by Saunologia!


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Saunologi ja saunan suunnittelun tutkimusmatkalainen. Johtava nykyaikainen suomalaisen saunan asiantuntija ja Suomen Saunaseuran Löylyn henki -palkittu 2021. Työkseni suunnittelen parempia digitaalisia palveluita. Minulla on pitkä historia tieteellisestä tutkimuksesta ja opetan satunnaisesti Aalto-yliopistossa.

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