Näytetään kaikki 6 tulosta

145,00 €
As February 26th 2024, This item is currently unavailable due to value-added tax issues. Please contact info@saunologia.fi if you wish to acquire this service! Saunologia.fi expert services billed an hourly basis as agreed for each project. Please purchase the amount of products equal to the number of hours agreed upon. Only for non-Finland based customers!…

175,00 €
Saunologia.fi expert services billed an hourly basis as agreed for each project. Purchase the amount of products equal to the number of hours agreed upon. Please consult us over email before purchase to ensure the requested hours are available and sufficient to support your efforts! Only for non-Finland, overseas customers! (Asia and Americas) Orders to…

69,00 €
As February 26th 2024, This item is currently unavailable due to value-added tax issues. Please contact info@saunologia.fi if you wish to acquire this service! Short consultation over phone or video conferencing around sauna matters. This is intended to estimate the needs for larger projects, how to get started and what kind of further help is…

350,00 € sis. ALV
As February 26th 2024, This item is currently unavailable due to value-added tax issues. Please contact info@saunologia.fi if you wish to acquire this service! This is a brief, at maximum three hour, consultation project for new or renovated saunas. Commonly this is 50% personal consultation over phone or video conferencing and 50% expert work and…

450,00 € sis. ALV
This is a brief, at a maximum of three hours, consultation project for new or renovated private saunas. Commonly this is 50% personal consultation over phone or video conferencing and 50% expert work and documentation of recommendations. At the beginning of each project, we will agree upon the goals what we will do in the…

42,00 € sis. ALV
Hard cover book, 4-color print, 220 p.