Painovoimaisen ilmanvaihdon ohje RT-kortistossa ei ole paras mahdollinen. Oikealla puolella olen parannellut sitä. Versio 2.0.
2 thoughts on “rt-kortti-painovoimainen-ilmanvaihto-v2”
Christina Grischott
Hei Lassi
Haluaisimme rakentaa oman saunan ja juuri niin luen ilmanvaihdo-juttuja (-:
Well, now better in Englisch … We will have a small sauna built in a trailer, so the air circulation will be the “natural” way (eli painovoimaisesta, ei koneellisesta).
We are considering having the air “income” simply by a opening below the door (2,5x60cm), or maybe a closing door and the income opening below the kiuas, low at the wall, and then having an opening in the wall or roof opposite to puukiuas, for letting the warm and moist air go out.
Now this picture is quite confusing me. Actually, I would have thougt that exactly your first picture comes close to what we plan. But you declare its not the best solution, that pic 2 is better, with income hole above the oven and outgo lower at the wall. Hm, I would immagine this solution does only work with moving the air technically, and maybe a good idea for a room with an electric kiuas?
Can you help me by declaring a bit why the second picture is better in your opinion (if it still is)?
Air circulation will not be good unless you can lift up the incoming fresh air above the stove. Floor level intakes may not work as expected with continuously burning stoves.
Outlet on the opposite side wall is for ventilation after use. During bathing the stove will suffice to extract air. In a large sauna, the heat loss can be reasonable even if you keep it open during bathing.
Saunologi ja saunan suunnittelun tutkimusmatkalainen. Johtava nykyaikainen suomalaisen saunan asiantuntija ja Suomen Saunaseuran Löylyn henki -palkittu 2021. Työkseni suunnittelen parempia digitaalisia palveluita. Minulla on pitkä historia tieteellisestä tutkimuksesta ja opetan satunnaisesti Aalto-yliopistossa.
Näytä kaikki artikkelit kirjoittajalta Lassi A Liikkanen
Hei Lassi
Haluaisimme rakentaa oman saunan ja juuri niin luen ilmanvaihdo-juttuja (-:
Well, now better in Englisch … We will have a small sauna built in a trailer, so the air circulation will be the “natural” way (eli painovoimaisesta, ei koneellisesta).
We are considering having the air “income” simply by a opening below the door (2,5x60cm), or maybe a closing door and the income opening below the kiuas, low at the wall, and then having an opening in the wall or roof opposite to puukiuas, for letting the warm and moist air go out.
Now this picture is quite confusing me. Actually, I would have thougt that exactly your first picture comes close to what we plan. But you declare its not the best solution, that pic 2 is better, with income hole above the oven and outgo lower at the wall. Hm, I would immagine this solution does only work with moving the air technically, and maybe a good idea for a room with an electric kiuas?
Can you help me by declaring a bit why the second picture is better in your opinion (if it still is)?
Paljon kiitoksia!
Air circulation will not be good unless you can lift up the incoming fresh air above the stove. Floor level intakes may not work as expected with continuously burning stoves.
Outlet on the opposite side wall is for ventilation after use. During bathing the stove will suffice to extract air. In a large sauna, the heat loss can be reasonable even if you keep it open during bathing.